Research Projects
As the ministry grew, Lawson could not only see the impact this ministry was having on care partners and participants, but he also began to see the impact it was having in the lives of volunteers serving as the hands and feet of Christ. At the same time, he could see the vitality this ministry was bringing to a church where members were actively engaged in hands-on ministry.
In Spring 2024, Lawson joined with John Bell, a volunteer with FUMC-Montgomery’s Respite Ministry, to conduct a research project on how volunteers grow in discipleship through their participation in Respite Ministry. To do so, they led a dozen long-time volunteers in the Montgomery ministry through a weekly study of UMC Bishop Ken Carder’s book, Ministry with the Forgotten, and asked about the impact serving as a volunteer has had on them.

Lawson and John presented this research during the Festival of Wisdom and Grace, held August 19-22, 2024, at Lake Junaluska, NC.
Click to view the presentation (PDF).
Respite Research Project
If you are a respite volunteer and would like to participate in the Respite Research Project, please complete this survey.